Successful Weight Loss Starts with.. this Secret!  GOAL SETTING

You can Lose Weight over 40!

Successful weight loss, lose weight over 40Many people don’t know where or how to get started.  They say they want to lose weight but that’s not enough.  It has to be more specific.  You have to have a plan, something to shoot for, a target so it isn’t “just lose some weight.”  Because it won’t happen!  You are a busy Mom, busy Woman or just plain busy and things will get in your way.  You know that, smartie!!

Back to goal setting.. Maybe there’s an event coming up that would set a timeline for you.  And you can see yourself fitting into a certain size…  Once you set a goal, you can work backwards to get to the goal.  Here’s some steps in setting your goal so you can be successful with with weight loss.  Did I say, you can lose weight over 40?

1.  How much weight do you want to lose?

2.  by what date? or event

3.  What is a problem area you want to change?

This is the top secret of all!!!  Be sure to write it down and then post it prominently on your refrigerator or bathroom mirror.  Along with posting your goals, post your ideal picture.  What you were before, that you want to achieve or maybe a friend’s photo.

But… all your goals may not come true if it’s just a dream.  If it’s unrealistic.   Realistically, you can lose 1-2lbs a week.  If you would like to lose 50lbs in 2 mos, that’s unrealistic and if it’s even possible, you will make yourself sick.  Be sure to do the math and know that it’s 1-2lbs a week.  When the weight slowly drops off, you will be more likely to keep it off.

You can lose weight!  And you can lose weight over 40.  Many people have gone before you and lost the weight through a motivational challenge.  Feel free to contact me with any questions!

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One thought on “Successful Weight Loss Starts with.. this Secret!

  1. Setting the goals properly and taking one step at a time is the key to a lifelong healthy body! I am learning a lot from your post Francheska. Keep it coming!

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